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Counselling or Psychotherapy ?
How do you find the ‘right’ therapist for you?
Let us help you find the ‘right’ therapist for you!
Assessment and Referral Service
helping you find the ‘right’ therapist for you
in Oxford & Oxfordshire (also London; UK and abroad sometimes possible)
As an experienced psychotherapist, counselling & psychotherapy teacher and supervisor, I offer assessment & referral sessions to help you find and choose a therapist. I have a network of local practitioners whom I refer to, depending on your needs, requirements and financial situation. This group of counsellors and therapists is large enough to provide variety and flexibility, yet small enough so that all recommendations can be based on personal knowledge of the practitioners and their work.
- thorough and comprehensive assessment & referral
- ongoing in-depth or short-term work
- individual and couple work
- variety of approaches
- wide choice of practitioners
- integrative and holistic perspective
- attention to social and cultural issues
- group work also available
Assessment & Referral Service:
An assessment & referral session takes 60 minutes, and costs £65 (concessions available; those on high incomes are invited to make a donation towards our bursary fund).
Assessments take place in West Oxford, but referrals can be made throughout Oxford and region, London and in some cases nationally or even internationally.
MICHAEL SOTH is an Integral-Relational Body Psychotherapist, registered with UKCP, with more than 20 years experience of working with groups and individuals. Through his teaching, supervising and presentations at conferences he has built up a wide network of colleagues and practitioners, across the spectrum of the various therapeutic approaches.
Drawing on concepts, values and ways of working from both humanistic and psychoanalytic traditions, he is interested in the therapeutic relationship as a bodymind process between two people who are both wounded and whole. Other areas of work include organisational consultancy, group facilitation, work with men as well as a project applying body psychotherapy to illness, chronic symptoms and psychosomatic disease.
Welcome to my website … |
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Oxford & Oxfordshire, UK If you are looking for counselling or psychotherapy in the Oxford area, you have come to the right place: I can help you access a uniquely wide range of therapeutic possibilities and help you choose between them. Counselling & Psychotherapy:
Assessment & Referral Service |
The professions of counselling and psychotherapy are a minefield and utterly confusing to the lay-person (and often the professionals themselves!). How to find and choose a therapist ? I am offering an Assessment & Referral Service, to help you find the ‘right’ therapist for you. Over the years that I have been in Oxford (since 1991), I have built up an extensive network of colleagues and associates in the region, and I have some knowledge of most local services as well as practitioners and their work. Through professional associations and networks, conferences and other connections, I am able in some situations to make recommendations in London, in the UK and sometimes internationally. This site is currently under construction – contact Michael for details. |
About Michael Soth … |
I am a UKCP registered therapist with more than 20 years’ experience of counselling and psychotherapy. During this time I have worked with many people, from all kinds of backgrounds, and helped them deal with a wide variety of emotional and mental problems. For most people, the ‘solution’ to both temporary crises and long-standing psychological problems comes about through engaging with a process and staying with it: even the best therapist cannot just ‘make’ you happy or ‘make’ you change, just like that. Some kind of sustained engagement is required. For some, this may be as simple as just turning up for your session. Or for others, it may involve intense work on yourself, by yourself. As a result, some people feel they are able to cope with their problems, maybe for the first time in their life. Others go through more profound transformations, where the problems themselves take on a different shape, or sometimes disappear altogether. Many people find an increased sense of vitality and joy, a deeper and more fulfilling engagement in life. Having been involved in the training of counsellors and psychotherapists since 1988, I have experienced the whole range of therapeutic approaches available today, and developed a profound understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these professions. As a senior practitioner, with responsibility for teaching and supervising other practitioners, I understand both the good as well as the harm that can be done, even by well-meaning therapists. Rather than offering you one particular therapeutic approach, I am therefore in a position to select an approach that will suit you and be ‘right’ for you. Counselling & Psychotherapy in Oxford, UKAssessment & Referral Service
I am offering an assessment & referral service, to help you find the ‘right’ therapist for you, from amongst my extensive network of colleagues and associates, both in Oxfordshire as well as to some extent nationwide. This site is currently under construction – contact Michael for details. |